Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a transformative journey designed to deepen your faith and understanding of God while equipping you for service in your community and around the world. Our DTS program in Australia spans 5-6 months, divided into lecture and outreach phases. It’s an immersive experience where you’ll engage with teachings, practical assignments, and cross-cultural experiences to grow personally and spiritually.



Spend 12 weeks diving into character development through teachings led by local and international speakers. Topics include hearing God’s voice, understanding His character, and preparing for His call. Experience cultural immersion with visits to country towns and indigenous communities, enhancing your learning journey.

During the lecture phase, you will have wonderful opportunities to visit country towns and indigenous communities and enjoy sitting around the campfire, eating damper, telling stories, and learning from our First Nations people. (you might even get to eat kangaroo)

DTS Outreach

During the 8-9 week practical field assignment, apply what you’ve learned in the Lecture Phase. Work with your team locally and internationally, sharing your faith and gaining cross-cultural experience. Our Outreach teams have visited numerous countries, offering opportunities to deepen your understanding of God and His mission.

Have you ever felt a deep longing to grow in your faith, understand your purpose, and make a meaningful impact on the world? If so, a Discipleship Training School (DTS) might be the transformative experience you’re looking for. Here are compelling reasons why you should consider embarking on this life-changing journey.

Deepen Your Relationship with God

A DTS offers an unparalleled opportunity to deepen your relationship with God. Through structured teachings, personal devotions, and an environment saturated with worship and prayer, you’ll have the space and guidance to grow closer to Him. You’ll learn how to hear God’s voice, understand His heart for you, and develop a lifestyle of intimacy with Him.

Discover Your Identity and Purpose

One of the core aspects of DTS is helping you understand your identity in Christ and your unique purpose. You’ll explore how God has uniquely designed you, including your gifts, talents, and passions. This understanding is crucial for living a fulfilled and purposeful life, as it aligns your actions with God’s plans for you.

Practical Training and Skill Development

DTS provides practical training that equips you for effective ministry and service. Whether through lectures, workshops, or hands-on activities, you’ll gain valuable skills that can be applied in various contexts. For instance, if you’re in a Performing Arts DTS, you’ll learn how to use your artistic talents to communicate the gospel powerfully.

Experience Cross-Cultural Missions

One of the highlights of DTS is the outreach phase, where you get to apply what you’ve learned in a real-world context. This often involves cross-cultural missions, where you’ll travel to different countries and engage with diverse communities. It’s an eye-opening experience that broadens your perspective, enhances your cultural sensitivity, and deepens your compassion for people from all walks of life.

Build Lifelong Friendships

In DTS, you’ll be part of a vibrant, supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for God and desire to serve. The friendships you build during DTS often last a lifetime, providing a network of support, encouragement, and accountability that extends far beyond the program.

Develop Leadership Skills

A DTS is an excellent environment for developing leadership skills. You’ll have opportunities to lead in various capacities, whether through organizing events, leading small groups, or participating in outreach projects. These experiences will help you grow in confidence, responsibility, and the ability to inspire and guide others.

Impact Lives and Make a Difference

Through DTS, you’ll be equipped to make a tangible impact on the lives of others. Whether it’s sharing the gospel, meeting practical needs, or using your talents to bless others, you’ll be actively involved in bringing positive change to individuals and communities. This sense of purpose and fulfillment is incredibly rewarding and aligns with the biblical call to love and serve others.

Gain a Global Perspective

In today’s interconnected world, having a global perspective is invaluable. DTS exposes you to different cultures, traditions, and worldviews, helping you appreciate the richness of God’s creation and the diversity of His people. This broadened outlook will enrich your life and ministry, enabling you to relate to and serve people from various backgrounds more effectively.

Personal Transformation

Many who have completed a DTS describe it as a period of profound personal transformation. The combination of spiritual growth, practical training, community living, and cross-cultural experiences fosters significant personal development. You’ll likely emerge from DTS with greater maturity, resilience, and clarity about your future direction.

Answering the Call

If you feel a stirring in your heart, a sense of calling, or a desire to dedicate a season of your life to seeking God and serving others, DTS is an ideal way to respond to that call. It provides a structured yet flexible framework for you to explore and fulfill God’s purposes for your life in a supportive and dynamic environment.


Tracks are selected based on students interests, you will gather together with like-minded friends and use your gifts to prepare for outreach both in Australia and overseas. Tracks are chosen in the 1st week of DTS.

Performing Arts Track

The Performing Arts DTS track, equips you in using God-given gifts and talents to spread the gospel.

Worship Track

Worship Track program designed for those seeking deeper intimacy with God

Sports Track

Reaching communities and nations through sports

Compassion Track

To be the hands and feet of Jesus



YWAM Sydney Island Breeze, located on the beautiful Northern Beaches of Sydney, and the second location in Western Sydney, Australia. We’re surrounded by bushland and overlooking stunning beaches with incredible sunrises. It’s the perfect place to connect with God in a serene and beautiful setting.

We’re a multicultural campus that loves and respects different cultures. We actively share the love of Christ with people from all backgrounds. We’re here to help this generation find their purpose and follow the path that God has planned for them.

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The DTS Lecture fee is AUD $5200. This covers tuition, accommodation, meals, select recreational activities, and local transportation. Please be aware that this fee does not cover travel expenses to and from Sydney, visa fees for entry into Australia, or health insurance during your stay in Australia.

AUD $3000 to $3500 plus Airfare (ranges depending on the location) … 

YWAM was created to equip and send young people into the nations, but as long as you are 17 years old or older with having completed high school (or have a GED), you can apply! There are some DTS’s that specifically focus on providing mission training for families or older students.