Immerse yourself in a 5-month journey of personal transformation in your relationship with God and others. You will be deeply engaged with intensive content from local and international speakers, encompassing a 50-hour-per-week schedule. Each day is composed of three hours of lectures, intertwined with worship, small group, intercession, and mentoring. Alongside this, you will engage in spiritual practices of solitude and silence, prayer, communion, Bible study, and serving one another. This course includes required reading and weekly assessment. This holistic experience ensures that you leave DTS not only with a deeper faith but also with practical skills and a heart eager to share the Good News with the world.


Tracks are selected based on students interests, you will gather together with like-minded friends and use your gifts to prepare for outreach both in Australia and overseas. Tracks are chosen in the 1st week of DTS.

Performing Arts Track

The Performing Arts DTS track, equips you in using God-given gifts and talents to spread the gospel.

Worship Track

Worship Track program designed for those seeking deeper intimacy with God

Sports Track

Reaching communities and nations through sports

Compassion Track

To be the hands and feet of Jesus


Upcoming Advance Training






Come to YWAM Sydney Island Breeze, located on the beautiful Northern Beaches of Sydney, and the second location in Western Sydney, Australia. We’re surrounded by bushland and overlooking stunning beaches with incredible sunrises. It’s the perfect place to connect with God in a serene and beautiful setting.

We’re a multicultural campus that loves and respects different cultures. We actively share the love of Christ with people from all backgrounds. We’re here to help this generation find their purpose and follow the path that God has planned for them.

We’re a multicultural base that loves and respects different cultures. Our main goal is to share the love of Christ with people from all backgrounds. We’re here to help this generation find their purpose and follow the path that God has planned for them.

Join us at YWAM Sydney Island Breeze and get closer to God while enjoying the beauty of this place.